
The Endless Coconut

The Endless Coconut is a Branding, Graphic and Web Design Studio specialised in print, packaging, brand identity and digital services.

Email: hello@theendlesscoconut.com Phone: +61(0)482686925
Endeavour Energy – Acknowledgement of Country
Endeavour Energy – Acknowledgement of Country
Endeavour Energy – Acknowledgement of Country

Endeavour Energy – Acknowledgement of Country

Acknowledgement of Country custom eel bench and plaque.
In co-design with local Dharug artist Jamie Eastwood, Balarinji was engaged by Endeavour Energy to create an Acknowledgement of Country response inspired by the Burra (Eel) Dreaming spirit artwork.

I worked with Rachel Attwater, a senior designer at Balarinji and artist Jamie Eastwood on creating this custom bench and plaque inspired by the Burra (Eel) artwork. This work is located at Endeavour Energy’s headquarters and sets up the beginning of the storytelling and wayfinding journey of the newly refurbished space.

Date: 2022

Agency: Balarinji

Client: Endeavour Energy